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Nihon Craft

Microbial Virus Laser Engraving Model

Regular price $150.00 USD
Regular price $150.00 USD Sale price $150.00 USD
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A: Radiolaria

Radiolaria, also known as radionematode, is a plankton in the sea. It is spherical and symmetrical, with a silicon shell with beautiful patterns on the shell.

B: Cercospora

Any of various algal bodies of the family Chlorella, distributed in small, static pools and shores. They are abundant in spring and often form pure groups.

C: Escherichia virus T4 (Phage T4)

Escherichia virus T4 is a species of bacteriophages that infect Escherichia coli bacteria. It is a double-stranded DNA virus in the subfamily Tevenvirinae from the family Myoviridae. T4 is capable of undergoing only a lytic lifecycle and not the lysogenic lifecycle

D: Tardigrades(Water bearegg

E: Actinophryid Sol (Heliozoans)lo9

Actinophrys sol is a fresh-water species of heliozoa frequently referred to as the sun animalcule. The name spawns from the numerous radiating pseudopodia that surround the spherical organism, which give it a sun-like appearance under the microscope.

Material selection: optical glass size: 50mm D × 50mm W × 50mm H / 300g


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